An individual is judged by his or her behavior in our order. Behavior is the outward manifestation of our values and core character traits.

These are labels that use personality adjectives to depict the nature of the person. These are deep-rooted qualities that develop over time and become a guiding principle for life.

What are Character Traits?

The personal qualities that define your individuality are your grapheme traits.

Character traits are the psychological and moral qualities that are distinctive of an individual. Information technology determines 'how' you are.

These are the most priced and valued aspects of yourself that either get acclaimed or rejected by the society in which you alive.

Everyone has character traits. Some are adept and others are not. The good character traits are those that are liked and approved by others effectually us. The not and so good traits are either disliked or rebuked by others.

Thus, your character traits explicate those qualities that make you the person into the type of person y'all are. Character traits and personality traits are related concepts, only they are non the same.

Character traits are adamant by upstanding values and beliefs that bring in the departure between two persons.

Personality traits are a combination of one'south attitudes, values, and behavior that gets manifested in social situations.

Character Traits Definition

Graphic symbol traits are defined as those notable characteristics of a person that are typical of his or her nature. These are inherent values that don't change much with fourth dimension and state of affairs. it represents the way you bear consistently, even when lone.

Character Traits – Indispensable Life Skills
Grapheme Traits – Indispensable Life Skills

Concept & Examples of Positive Character Traits

The traits that are liked, canonical, and valued by others are your positive character traits. Few unproblematic examples are kindness, honesty, optimism, generosity, bravery, etc. if you accept positive traits, you can hands attract others.

Your amicable nature will help you to develop good relations in personal and professional life. You are admired and loved past others.

Positive character traits are strengths that assistance to fine-tune your personality in desirable ways. These are assets that influence your attitude and beliefs in pregnant ways.

Concept & Examples Negative Character Traits

Your negative character traits refer to those aspects of yourself that are not liked by others.

These negative qualities are your shortcomings. These are considered bad or negative in social settings. You need to piece of work on these traits to develop a good personality.

To attain success, you will have to remove these weaknesses. Few examples of negative traits are selfish, coward, dishonest, deceitful, etc. negative traits make you a pessimistic existence. It makes you narrow, superficial, and unreliable.

Importance of Character Traits

Your character traits refer to all those feasible features that brand you prominent. These are inherent attributes that differentiate y'all from others. People having favorable traits can hands receive admiration from others.

Your character is a social construct. It is formed past continuous adherence to social norms and moral values. Your grapheme traits go a count in all spheres of life.

The importance of character traits are

  • Character is the building block of your personality.
  • Positive traits are a symbol of trust, admiration, and leadership. You are liked and accepted by the people effectually you.
  • Since these traits are based on ideals and values, it makes you firm, confident, and positive in your outlook and behavior.
  • You can motivate and persuade others easily because of your bonny demeanor.
  • Good character traits assistance you to understand with others. It makes you more supportive and less judgmental.
  • It helps y'all to brand productive decisions. Yous are adjustable and open up to accept situations every bit they are.
  • Yous tin can have a mannerly and highly-seasoned personality.
  • Information technology defines your innate nature and value organization, thus affecting the choices you make in your life.

Character Traits List

200 Positive Character Traits

A list of traits is every bit follows

  1. Accessible- Approachable
  2. Active – Energetic
  3. Adaptable – Tin adjust to new situations.
  4. Adaptable- Flexible and adjustable
  5. Audacious- Daring, fearless
  6. Affable- friendly
  7. Affectionate- Warm-hearted
  8. Agreeable – Pleasing and likable
  9. Alert – Vigilant
  10. Ambitious – Determined
  11. Amicable – Practiced nature
  12. Amusing – Jolly
  13. Articulate – Eloquent
  14. Circumspect – Focused
  15. Ascetic – Good manners
  16. Balanced – Fair, simply
  17. Chivalrous- Kind-hearted
  18. Brave- Courageous
  19. Bold – Daring
  20. Bright – Intelligent
  21. Brilliant – Talented
  22. Broad-minded- Open to things
  23. Capable – Competent
  24. Careful- Cautious
  25. Caring- Business concern for others
  26. Charismatic – Bonny
  27. Charitable – Generous
  28. Mannerly- Pleasant and attractive
  29. Clever – Brilliant and quick to understand
  30. Empathetic – kind
  31. Confident- Sure of oneself
  32. Considerate – Understanding
  33. Cooperative – Helpful
  34. Courteous- Well-mannered
  35. Creative – Develop new things
  36. Curious – Eager to know things
  37. Daring- Fearless
  38. Debonair – Stylish and mannerly
  39. Decent- Good plenty
  40. Decisive – Plays a significant role
  41. Dedicated – Devoted to a task
  42. Dependable – Trusted
  43. Determined – Resolute
  44. Dignified – Noble and serious
  45. Diligent- Hardworking and persistent
  46. Disciplined – Follows rules
  47. Discreet – Cautious
  48. Dutiful – Devoted
  49. Dynamic – Energetic
  50. Easy-going- Carefree and relaxed
  51. Efficient – Methodical and systematic
  52. Elegant – Graceful
  53. Eloquent- Fluent and persuasive
  54. Empathetic- Feels for others
  55. Encouraging – Positive and hopeful
  56. Energetic – Dynamic
  57. Enthusiastic – Eager in doing things
  58. Excellent – Extremely expert
  59. Exuberant – Full of energy
  60. Fair- Impartial
  61. Faithful- loyal
  62. Fearless – Assuming, brave
  63. Firm – hard and stiff in values
  64. Flexible – Adaptable
  65. Focused – Attentive
  66. Forgiving- Merciful
  67. Frank – Candid
  68. Friendly- Kind and pleasant
  69. Frugal – Economical
  70. Funny – Humorous
  71. Generous – Kind
  72. Gentle – Mild temperament
  73. Genuine – Authentic
  74. Gracious- Courteous
  75. Gregarious – Sociable
  76. Gritty – Brave
  77. Hardworking- Energetic
  78. Helpful- Obliging and kind
  79. Heroic – Courageous
  80. Honest- Truthful
  81. Honorable – Respected
  82. Hopeful – Optimistic
  83. Humble – modest
  84. Humane – Compassionate and kind
  85. Humorous- Fun loving
  86. Idealistic – Visionary
  87. Imaginative – Creative and insightful
  88. Impartial – Unbiased
  89. Incisive – Abrupt and clear thinking
  90. Independent – Can do things without help
  91. Industrious – Diligent
  92. Initiative – Enterprising
  93. Innovative- Original and pioneering
  94. Insightful – Inventive
  95. Intelligent – bright and sharp
  96. Intuitive- Skilful reasoning ability
  97. Inventive – Innovative
  98. Jovial- Happy and cheerful
  99. Only – Off-white-Minded
  100. Corking – eager to practise things
  101. Kind- Caring and helpful
  102. Liberal- Open to new ideas
  103. Listening – Circumspect
  104. Lively – Jovial
  105. Logical- Objective and insightful
  106. Lovable – Charming
  107. Loyal- True-blue
  108. Magnanimous – Generous
  109. Mature – Full-grown abilities
  110. Methodical – Systematic
  111. Meticulous- Precise and detail
  112. Mindful – Aware of things
  113. Moderate – Average
  114. Modest- Fair and tolerable
  115. Neat- Organized and tidy
  116. Obedient – Comply with others
  117. Objective – Impartial
  118. Optimistic – Positive outlook
  119. Orderly- Well-organized
  120. Organized – Systematic
  121. Original – Genuine
  122. Passionate – Intense
  123. Patient- Tolerant and understanding
  124. Peaceful – Calmness
  125. Perfectionist – Idealist
  126. Persistent – Determined
  127. Persuasive – Convincing
  128. Placid – Even-tempered
  129. Playful – Agreeable
  130. Polished – Bright
  131. Polite – Well-mannered
  132. Powerful – Strong
  133. Practical – Pragmatic
  134. Pragmatic – Realistic
  135. Precise – Exact and accurate
  136. Principled – Guided by moral values
  137. Protective – safeguarding others
  138. Prudent – Wise
  139. Punctual – On-time e'er
  140. Purposeful – Adamant
  141. Quiet- Silent
  142. Rational- Logical and clear ideas
  143. Relaxed – Free from tension
  144. Reliable- Trustworthy
  145. Reserved – Reveal emotions slowly
  146. Resolute – Purposeful
  147. Resourceful – Precipitous, Inventive
  148. Responsible – Accountable
  149. Responsive – Reacts speedily
  150. Righteous – Honest
  151. Romantic – Passionate, Intimate
  152. Rustic – Elementary and homely
  153. Secure – Dependable
  154. Self-confident – Trust on oneself
  155. Self-disciplined- Mastery of oneself
  156. Selfless – Unselfish
  157. Self-sufficient – Depends on oneself
  158. Sensitive – Careful and tactful
  159. Silent – Quiet
  160. Simple – Straightforward
  161. Sincere – Honest and genuine
  162. Expert – Gifted
  163. Sober – Serious
  164. Sociable – Affable
  165. Spontaneous – Voluntary
  166. Sporting – Lively
  167. Stable – Steady
  168. Steadfast – Committed
  169. Stoic – Endures pain and hardships without complaint
  170. Straightforward – Elementary
  171. Stiff – Powerful
  172. Suave – Charming
  173. Subtle – Nice and fine
  174. Supportive – Helpful
  175. Sympathetic – Expressing concern for others
  176. Temperate – Mild nature
  177. Thoughtful – pensive
  178. Thrifty – Uses resources carefully
  179. Tidy- Neat and clean
  180. Tolerant- Understanding and patient
  181. Tough – Strong
  182. Trustworthy – Dependable
  183. Truthful – Honest
  184. Unassuming – Minor
  185. Uncomplaining – Resigned
  186. Agreement- Sensitive and empathetic
  187. Undogmatic – Freethinker
  188. Unselfish – Altruistic
  189. Upright – Honest
  190. Valiant – Brave
  191. Versatile- Flexible and multi-talented
  192. Virtuous – having moral values
  193. Vital – Agile
  194. Vivacious – Lively
  195. Warm – Friendly
  196. Well-rounded – Main of many skills
  197. Willing – Ready or prepared
  198. Wise- Learned and Insightful
  199. Witty- Funny and Amusing
  200. Youthful – Agile and young

200 Negative Graphic symbol Traits

A list of graphic symbol traits not considered worthy in our society are:

  1. Abrasive – Harsh
  2. Adamant – Stubborn
  3. Addictive – Susceptible to depend on something
  4. Aggressive-Hostile and vehement
  5. Aimless – Without purpose
  6. Antisocial – Offensive
  7. Apathetic – Indifferent and detached
  8. Arbitrary – Whimsical
  9. Argumentative – Given to arguing
  10. Big-headed – Feeling superior of oneself
  11. Belligerent – hostile
  12. Bewildered-Dislocated, puzzled
  13. Bizarre – Odd, peculiar
  14. Bland – Dull and boring
  15. Blunt – Unsharpened
  16. Boorish – Rough and bad manners
  17. Dull – Dull
  18. Bossy – Dominating
  19. Brutal – Cruel and violent
  20. Callous – Lack of care and insensitive
  21. Caustic – Sarcastic
  22. Charmless – Unattractive
  23. Clingy – Inseparable
  24. Clumsy – Bad-mannered
  25. Fibroid – Rough
  26. Complacent – Proud of oneself
  27. Compulsive – uncontrollable
  28. Conceited – Proud of oneself
  29. Coward – Non brave and bold
  30. Crazy – Out of i's heed
  31. Critical – Criticize others
  32. Crude – Coarse and rough
  33. Roughshod – Harsh, rude
  34. Cunning – With wicked intentions
  35. Contemptuous – Self-interested, selfish
  36. Mendacious – Dishonest, false
  37. Enervating – Nagging
  38. Drastic – Anguished
  39. Detached – Disconnected
  40. Discontented – Dissatisfied
  41. Discouraging – Depressing
  42. Disloyal – Unfaithful
  43. Disobedient – Practise not obey others
  44. Disorganized – Unsystematic
  45. Disruptive – Troublesome
  46. Distractible – Inattentive
  47. Dominating – Rules others
  48. Egocentric – Thinks just of oneself
  49. Enervated – Lack of energy
  50. Envious-Jealous
  51. Erratic-Inconsistent, uncertain
  52. Evasive – Avoid commitment
  53. Evil – Wicked
  54. Extravagant – Spendthrift
  55. Facetious – Waggish
  56. Fanatical – Bigoted
  57. Fawning – Gets irritated quickly
  58. Fickle – Changes frequently, not stable
  59. Fierce – Aroused
  60. Choosy – Fussy
  61. Flaky – Acts in an unconventional way
  62. Flamboyant – Extravagant
  63. Flippant – Carefree
  64. Foolish – Silly
  65. Forgetful – Absent-minded
  66. Fraudulent – Cheat and dishonest
  67. Frightening – Fearful
  68. Frivolous-Not purposeful, lack values
  69. Fussy – Hard to please
  70. Gossipy – Enjoys talking about other private life
  71. Greedy – Insatiable
  72. Grumpy – Short-tempered
  73. Gullible – Tin be easily persuaded  to believe things
  74. Haughty – Arrogant
  75. Hopeless – Feeling of despair
  76. Hostile – Aggressive, unfriendly
  77. Impatient – Gets irritated speedily
  78. Boorish – Rude
  79. Impulsive – spontaneous
  80. Inconsiderate-Cocky-centered
  81. Inconsistent – Non the same throughout
  82. Indecisive-Confusing and unclear
  83. Indiscreet – Imprudent
  84. Inhibited – Reserved
  85. Interfering – Tends to interfere
  86. Intolerant – Narrow-minded
  87. Irresponsible – Careless
  88. Jealous-Selfish, envious
  89. Judgmental – Mistake finding
  90. Lazy – Unwilling to piece of work
  91. Liar – Dishonest and lacks truth
  92. Malicious – Intends to harm others
  93. Manipulative – Cunning and calculative
  94. Materialistic – Consumerist
  95. Mean – dominating
  96. Messy – Untidy
  97. Mischievous –Naughty
  98. Miserly – Niggardly
  99. Moody – Unpredictable
  100. Morbid – Horrible and ghastly
  101. Nagging – Enervating
  102. Naive – Lack of wisdom or judgment
  103. Narrow-minded – Intolerant
  104. Nasty – Unpleasant
  105. Naughty – Misbehaved
  106. Neglectful – Careless
  107. Nervous – Hands agitated
  108. Nihilistic – Rejects moral values
  109. Nosy – Probing
  110. Obnoxious – Unpleasant
  111. Obsessive – Fanatical
  112. Obstinate – Stubborn
  113. Outrageous – Shockingly bad
  114. Overcritical – Besides much criticism of others
  115. Overemotional – weepy and tender
  116. Overwhelming – Emotionally immense and formidable
  117. Paranoia – Suffering from mental distress
  118. Parsimonious – Miserly
  119. Perverse – Awkward and unhelpful
  120. Pessimistic – Gloomy, negative
  121. Petulant – Sulky
  122. Plodding – Boring moving, unexciting
  123. Pompous – dominating
  124. Possessive – Clingy
  125. Predatory – Exploitative
  126. Prejudiced – Biased
  127. Pretentious – Showy
  128. Prim – Prudish
  129. Promiscuous – Immoral
  130. Quarrelsome – Argumentative
  131. Quick-tempered – Irritable mood
  132. Quixotic – Impractical
  133. Repulsive – Intense disgust against others
  134. Resentful – Dissatisfied
  135. Ridiculous – Laughable
  136. Rigid – Not flexible
  137. Rowdy – Unruly
  138. Rude-Impolite and lack courtesy
  139. Ruthless – Merciless
  140. Sadistic – Callous
  141. Sanctimonious – Hypocritical
  142. Sarcastic – Ironical, ridiculing
  143. Scornful – Expressing Contempt
  144. Secretive – Conscientious
  145. Cocky-indulgent – Pleasure seeking
  146. Selfish-One who doesn't call back for others
  147. Shameless – Unashamed
  148. Silly – Foolish
  149. Slovenly – Untidy
  150. Sly – Cunning and Crafty
  151. Sneaky – Cunning, Clever
  152. Stingy – Mean-minded
  153. Stubborn – Obstinate
  154. Submissive – Compliant
  155. Subservient – Compliant with everything
  156. Sullen – bad-tempered
  157. Superficial – Not in-depth or thorough
  158. Superstitious – Irrational
  159. Surly – Grumpy
  160. Tactless-Lack of skill
  161. Thoughtless – Uncaring
  162. Treacherous – Disloyal
  163. Troublesome – Annoying
  164. Truculent – Defiant
  165. Un-appreciating – Ungrateful
  166. Unconvincing – Improbable
  167. Uncouth – Uncivilized
  168. Uncreative – Lacks imagination
  169. Unethical – Immoral
  170. Ungrateful – Thankless
  171. Unimaginative – Not inspiring and creative
  172. Unimpressive – Lacks attractiveness
  173. Unkind – Harsh
  174. Unlovable – Not lovable
  175. Unpleasant-Annoying, not likable by others
  176. Unpredictable – Uncertain
  177. Unreliable – Cannot be relied upon
  178. Unrestrained – Not restricted
  179. Unruly – Disorderly
  180. Unstable – Unsteady
  181. Untidy – Messy
  182. Untrustworthy – Dishonest
  183. Vacuous – Thoughtless
  184. Vague – Uncertain
  185. Vain – Conceited
  186. Venal – Corrupt
  187. Vengeful – Revengeful
  188. Venomous – Harmful, Toxic
  189. Vehement – Aggressive
  190. Vulgar – Flamboyant
  191. Weak-Fragile, lack of energy
  192. Weak-willed – Irresolute
  193. Whimsical – Playful
  194. Whiny – Complaining person
  195. Wicked-Evil and immoral
  196. Withdrawn – Introvert
  197. Worried-Anxious or mentally disturbed
  198. Worrywart – A person who dwells on difficulties
  199. Zany – Eccentric, weird
  200. Zombie – volition-less, not determined

Character Traits for Kids

Parents are ever concerned about their child'due south overall academic and social progress.

One integral part of this development that frequently gets overlooked is the development of grapheme traits. These are important skills for progress and all-round evolution of personality.

Many of the traits volition aid kids to become successful in their adult life. Graphic symbol traits are treasures that teach gratitude and rightful living. Few of the common traits for kids are as follows

i. Assertiveness


Children should be taught to become assuming and confident. They should know to speak their mind. It brings wisdom, patience, confidence, tolerance, and acceptance. An assertive kid is respectful and bold enough to face life's challenges in a positive way.

two. Courage


kids should be taught to go brave and mettlesome. It helps them to face academic and social challenges hands. They will learn to handle defeat and emerge as confident beings. Courage brings resilience and the ability to fight back.

3. Pity


Being kind and helpful to others is what pity is. It is a desirable trait that builds helpfulness and removes indifference towards others. Kind people are loved and respected by all.

4. Empathy


Empathy develops out of modeling. If you wish to see compassionate kids at dwelling house, you need to understand with others in various social situations. Empathy reduces cruelty. Information technology makes kids experience for others' needs. Good social relations develop if empathy and concern for others get a priority.

5. Honesty


Truthful kids are liked by others. They usually practice well in all aspects of life. Truth leads to trust. Information technology makes kids reliable and trustworthy.

6. Humility


Humility is a virtue that all kids should learn, otherwise they may go arrogant adults. Being a humble person fetches love and affection. With it comes kindness and empathy. A humble kid is cocky-bodacious and won't feel the demand to evidence off in forepart of others.

7. Integrity


Information technology is the quality of living a life with values. Children should learn potent moral principles that guide their behavior and actions. They become truthful, considerate, and open to new ideas. Yous should discuss family values with your kid. It makes them empathize what is expected of them. They acquire the right ways of social conduct.

8. Patience


This graphic symbol trait is very important in today'due south fast-paced life. Patience is all nigh didactics them to wait for their plough. It means to take the filibuster and wait for the correct time without getting irritated. Kids demand this character trait to become self-controlled adults. It controls instant reactions.

9. Polite


This trait is an asset for life. Polite children are well-mannered and humble. They are grateful for whatever they have. They become quiet and resourceful speakers. Others beloved them for their kind words and amicable gestures. Politeness teaches skillful manners. Information technology allows kids to treat others with respect.

10. Resilience


It is the ability to recover from difficulties. When children learn this grapheme trait, they can confront challenges with courage and optimism.

The link mentioned below shows the importance of character traits.

Difference Between Character Traits and Personality Traits

Successful people have positive graphic symbol traits and a pleasing personality. Usually, they are guided by a strong desire to excel in everything they do.

Stiff people are guided by moral principles. Studies show that people with a developed graphic symbol trait can get skillful leaders. They can take calculated risks to achieve their goals.

The terms character traits and personality traits are oftentimes used interchangeably only they are not the same. Few subtle differences between the two are

Graphic symbol traits Personality traits
Graphic symbol traits are based on moral principles and ethical values. Personality is the sum of your attitudes, values, physical advent, and mental dispositions.
These are innate and inbuilt qualities. Personality traits are those that announced to others in social situations.
This defines 'how' you are. Information technology defines 'what' you are.
Character traits are difficult to identify. Y'all may have to observe him or her for some fourth dimension to know the character. Personality traits are easy to identify as it manifests from outward appearance and code of bear.
Information technology revolves around setting a moral code of conduct that appears, even when nobody is seeing. It revolves around image creation and developing good public relations.
Character is shaped past daily choices and social interactions. Personality is innate and develops fully by the historic period of x years.
These are objective and ascertain the way you are from inside. It is subjective and is the mode you bear yourself in forepart of others.
Deviation between Graphic symbol Traits and personality traits

'Good Grapheme Traits' Benefits

The benefits of character traits are

  1. Character traits are blessings that count everywhere. You are loved, admired, and followed past others.
  2. Good character traits assistance to develop positive interpersonal relationships at the workplace and elsewhere.
  3. It guides you to achieve your long term goals.
  4. These are guiding principles that assistance you to hold on to life'southward values and moral principles.
  5. You will detect yourself easily accepted in social circles because of your attractive personality.
  6. You can build a solid reputation for yourself that helps to reach leadership roles.
  7. It strengthens trust and builds the confidence of others on you lot.
  8. Grapheme traits drive you towards a purposeful life.
  9. People with good character traits are happy and forgiving. They have peace of fourth dimension, as they are articulate of their intentions.
  10. You lot stay true to your moral values and behavior. You do things that thing the about in life.
  11. Character traits bring openness to your attitude and perspectives.
  12. People consider you lot every bit reliable and trustworthy.
  13. You can take responsibility for your actions.
  14. You lot tin go a role model for others to follow.
  15. It helps yous to be present in your moments as well as brand plans and decisions for the future.
  16. You larn to go through tough situations and do not surrender afterward a failure.
  17. You capeesh others and are less jealous of their success.
  18. Patience and perseverance teach you to accept all odds positively.
  19. You lot know your mistakes better and tin work on it to develop a positive mental attitude.
  20. Character traits teach yous to accept all situations positively. You don't feel frustrated easily.

"Character is what you lot do when no one is watching"

Paul Rabil

Endmost Thoughts

At that place is no replacement for a proficient graphic symbol. It is an epitome of how you think, feel, and act in diverse situations.

Building character traits happen overtime. You know you can make ameliorate choices that are in tune with your moral principles and upstanding standards.