A Colony Granted by a Monarch to an Individual or Family

A proprietary colony was a type of English language colony mostly in North America and in the Caribbean area in the 17th century. In the British Empire, all land belonged to the monarch, and it was his/her prerogative to split. Therefore, all colonial properties were partitioned by purple charter into one of 4 types: proprietary, royal, joint stock, or covenant. Under the proprietary system, individuals or companies were granted commercial charters by the monarchs of the Kingdom of England to establish colonies. These proprietors then selected the governors and other officials in the colony.

This type of indirect dominion somewhen savage out of favor as the colonies became established and authoritative difficulties eased. The English sovereigns sought to concentrate their power and authority and the colonies were converted to Crown colonies, i.e. governed by officials appointed past the King, replacing the people the King had previously appointed and under different terms.

Practice [edit]

Proprietary colonies in America were governed by a lord proprietor, who, property authority by virtue of a imperial lease, usually exercised that authority nearly equally an independent sovereign.[1] These colonies were distinct from Crown colonies in that they were commercial enterprises established nether authority of the crown. Proprietary governors had legal responsibilities over the colony too equally responsibilities to shareholders to ensure the security of their investments.

The proprietary system was a mostly inefficient[ definition needed ] system, in that the proprietors were, for the most function, like absentee landlords. [ clarification needed ] Many never fifty-fifty visited the colonies they owned.[ citation needed ] By the early 18th century, nearly all of the proprietary colonies had eithersurrendered their charters to the crown to become majestic colonies, [ clarification needed ] or else had significant limitations placed on them by the crown.[ citation needed ]

Examples [edit]

The Caribbean [edit]

  • Barbados

British America colonies before the American Revolution [edit]

The provinces of Maryland, Carolina and several other colonies in the Americas were initially established under the proprietary system.

King Charles II used the proprietary solution to reward allies and focus his own attention on Britain itself. He offered his friends colonial charters which facilitated individual investment and colonial self-government. The charters made the proprietor the effective ruler, admitting one ultimately responsible to English Law and the King. Charles Ii gave the quondam Dutch colony New Netherlands to his younger brother The Knuckles of York, who established the Province of New York.[2] He gave an surface area to William Penn who established the Province of Pennsylvania.[3]

The British America colonies before the American Revolution consisted of thirteen colonies that became states of the United states. By the time of the Revolution some had consolidated multiple grants, while others, such as alien claims to what became the country of Vermont and the western borders of numerous states, including New York and Virginia, too as the sovereignty of what became the state of Maine in 1820, remained unresolved well after.

  • Virginia Colony
  • Province of Georgia
  • Province of Northward Carolina
  • Province of Due south Carolina
  • Province of Pennsylvania
  • Province of Massachusetts Bay
  • Province of New Hampshire
  • Colony of Rhode Isle and Providence Plantations
  • Connecticut Colony
  • Province of Maryland
  • Province of New York
  • Province of New Jersey
  • Delaware Colony

Canada [edit]

  • Newfoundland and Labrador
  • Nova Scotia
  • Ontario

Similar practices outside of English rule [edit]

Historical precedent [edit]

In medieval times, information technology was customary in Continental Europe for a sovereign to grant almost imperial powers of government to the feudal lords of his border districts, so every bit to prevent foreign invasion. These districts or manors were ofttimes called palatinates or counties palatine, because the lord wielded the power of the rex in his palace. His power was royal in kind, but inferior in caste to that of the king.[4]

This type of arrangement had caused many issues in Norman times for sure English border counties. These territories were known every bit counties palatine and they lasted at least in part to 1830 and for good reason: remoteness, poor communications, governance carried out under difficult circumstances. The monarch and his or her government, retained its usual right to separate head and body, figuratively or literally, at any fourth dimension. (See also the hereditary title marquess.)[5]

French examples [edit]

In 1603, Henry Four, the Male monarch of France, granted Pierre Du Gua de Monts the exclusive right to colonize lands in North America between twoscore°–60° North latitude. The King also gave Dugua a monopoly in the fur merchandise for these territories and named him Lieutenant Full general for Acadia and New France. In render, Dugua promised to bring 60 new colonists each year to what would be called fifty'Acadie. In 1607, the monopoly was revoked and the colony failed, merely in 1608, he sponsored Samuel de Champlain to open a colony at Quebec.[vi]

The Iles Glorieuses, i.e. Glorioso Islands, were on 2 March 1880 settled and named past Frenchman Hippolyte Caltaux (b. 1847–d. 1907), who was their proprietor from then till 1891. Merely on 23 August 1892 they were claimed for the French Third Republic, as part of the Indian Ocean colony of French Madagascar. Caltaux again became their proprietor from 1901 until his death in 1907. On 26 June 1960, the islands became a regular French possession, administered by the High Commissioner for RĂ©union. On 3 Jan 2005, they were transferred to the administrators of the French Southern and Antarctic Lands.

Run into also [edit]

  • English colonial empire
  • Proprietary governor
  • Proprietary Business firm
  • Colonial authorities in the Xiii Colonies
  • Crown colony
  • Commonwealth
  • Lord proprietor
  • Donatorio
  • Quia Emptores

References [edit]

  1. ^ Elson, Henry William, History of the Usa, The Macmillan Company, New York, 1904. Chapter IV
  2. ^ David S. Lovejoy, "Equality and Empire The New York Charter of Liberties, 1683," William and Mary Quarterly (1964) 21#4 pp. 493-515 in JSTOR.
  3. ^ Joseph Due east. Illick, "The Pennsylvania Grant: A Re-Evaluation," Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography (1962) 85#4 pp. 375-396 in JSTOR
  4. ^ Osgood, H. L. American Historical Review, July, 1897, p. 644
  5. ^ Martinez (2008)
  6. ^ Roper (2007)

Farther reading [edit]

  • Martinez, Albert J. "The Palatinate Clause of the Maryland Lease, 1632-1776: From Independent Jurisdiction to Independence." American Journal of Legal History (2008): 305–325. in JSTOR
  • Mereness, Newton Dennison. Maryland every bit a proprietary province (1901) online
  • Osgood, Herbert 50. "The Proprietary Province as a Class of Colonial Government." Part I. American Historical Review 2 (July 1896): 644–64; Part 495. vol three (October 1897): 31–55; Part Iii. vol 3 (January 1898): 244–65. part one online free at JSTOR, office 3 the standard survey
  • Osgood, Herbert Levi. The American Colonies in the Seventeenth Century: The Proprietary Province in Its Primeval Form, the Corporate Colonies of New England (1930)
  • Osgood, Herbert Levi. The Proprietary Province in Its Later Forms (Columbia University Press, 1930)
  • Roper, Louis H., and Bertrand Van Ruymbeke, eds. Constructing Early Modernistic Empires: Proprietary Ventures in the Atlantic World, 1500-1750 (Brill, 2007)


Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Proprietary_colony

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